1 True Talks

8 Signs He's Truly In Love With You – A Guide for Women on Recognizing True Affection

Renee Richel Season 2 Episode 22

Unlock the mysteries of the heart with Renee Richel, your guide to deciphering the true signs of love. As the devoted founder and president of 1 True Match, I'm thrilled to share over a decade's worth of wisdom in matchmaking, with a dash of faith, love, and integrity. In this episode, we're speaking to all the ladies out there, whether you're navigating the early stages of romance or seeking to deepen your current relationship. Tune in for a heartfelt exploration of the eight undeniable signs that a man is head over heels for you.

Ever wondered if he's really listening or just hearing you? We discuss how attentiveness in conversation is a profound indicator of a man's affection. From embracing vulnerability to making sacrifices for your happiness, I break down each sign with practical insights and empowering advice. While we miss Connie's vibrant input, I carry the torch to illuminate the path to true love. So ladies, prepare to arm yourselves with the knowledge that will help you recognize when love is knocking at your door. Join us for an episode that promises to be a beacon for your heart's journey.

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Renee Richel:

Hi, I'm Renee Richel, the founder and president of 1 True Match. I'm here to help you find and cultivate the love of your life. For over a decade, I've dedicated my life to the importance, purpose and dynamic of human relationships. My team and I are disciplined by faith, love and integrity to help our clients find the quality relationship they've always dreamt of. Each week, I will be sharing the tools and tips I've learned that have rooted my success as a matchmaker with other leaders around the world. Hello, loves, welcome back.

Renee Richel:

I am so excited to be talking to you about this next subject. We're actually going to do this into two sections. We're going to do one for women and one for men. Today I am talking to all of my women out there about the topic that I feel like between getting surveying our clients, our candidates, just in general, when our matches are now happily in love, or even if you're starting to date. During that phase. This is for you, if you are in a relationship with somebody. This is for you to be reminded, if you're out there starting to date, to not settle for anything less than when it comes to knowing if a man is truly in love with you. Let's begin.

Renee Richel:

What we're going to talk about today is eight signs to know if a man is in love with you. This is not just my opinion or our team's feedback. I'm missing Connie. I cannot wait until she is back joining us, that she is still over traveling in the UK. Also, just when we talk to individuals and just men in general, I'm going to share with you eight signs to know that a man is in love with you. Number one he listens to you attentively. That doesn't mean just he's listening, he's there, he's not. It truly means that he is engaged, he's understanding, he is in your thoughts and feelings, he really, truly can put himself in the experiences that you are sharing. Ladies, remember that when a man remembers details which is not usually their strength, but does for something you've said and he brings it up later in a conversation or does something specifically based on what you are sharing with him because he's being a good listener, that is definitely a true sign that he is in love with you. Number two he can be vulnerable with you.

Renee Richel:

How many times do we get in these relationships we kind of, I would say, choke up or really don't know how to articulate what we think or feel. Or maybe we're the polar opposite and we just blurt out whatever's on our mind. It takes a lot of effort, not only for my male clients, but also my female clients and just matches in general, to get to a level where they can be completely vulnerable and really share in a manner where somebody can understand and wants to understand your feelings and thoughts. I can't tell you especially this one and this is why we put it as number two is that there's so many times that people will say they just don't feel safe or they don't feel that they can just say whatever is on their mind without being judged. This is definitely something to keep in mind and really think about. Are you in a relationship or have you been in a relationship where you've been with a man? Because we're specifically talking about men For all you guys out there we're going to have the one for women next coming up it's really important that you learn how to be vulnerable yourself, that you learn how to, and you have a thought and feeling to stop, process and reflect, so that you can be vulnerable in a very intelligent manner of really who you are and what you think. When you do share, or even if it is something off the cuff, just say, hey, I'm just freestyling right now. I want to be a little bit vulnerable. I don't know if I've thought it all the way through, but you feel completely saved and entrusted hands, not being judged.

Renee Richel:

Number three he makes sacrifices for your happiness. So how many times do we ask a guy to go to either, like, maybe it be the symphony, or we have them go to some fashion event or you know some local, I don't know concert or something that maybe they don't want to do, or maybe it's a work event or who knows what it is. But and there's some football game on or there's some event that's happening or something that they probably would rather maybe be doing, like golfing or doing something like that. But they truly sacrifice things that matter to them for your happiness, to make you happy. That is definitely a keeper when you have somebody that does that, and obviously relationships are a two way street. So it's really important you're doing the same thing back to your man if you're truly in love with him. But definitely notice these little things, that are the little details that become the biggest things that matter most.

Renee Richel:

Number four he supports your dreams, ladies. This is huge. This is so, so huge. And my men out there listening to this. Now, sometimes women don't exactly know what their dreams are Right, and they need to process or reflect or come up. I use those words all the time. But then there's other times where they have a dream but they just haven't fulfilled it. Why? Because they haven't had somebody there to equally encourage them to, you know, pump them up. To be there is their biggest cheerleader and rise them up in the moments where they need to wake up early or go to bed early or do things that, especially, they feel are they're calling their passion or their dream. How amazing would it be to have somebody again on both sides that supports your dreams and whatever that is, whether it be to start a family or, you know, have an extra child or or even just start a business or thrive and grow your business because you feel that this is something that's important to you. So find a man that is definitely encouraging you, not tearing you down in the middle of it all.

Renee Richel:

Number five, I would say it's really important that a man values your opinion. So if you've been in a relationship or you're in a relationship and a man has never really asked you your opinion and something that obviously they want to get your opinion on. That's something that maybe they're not in love with you for the long, long haul, because they don't value your opinion, whether it be as simple as an outfit or a place to go or a destination or even just something. When it comes to, let's say, you have an organization or you have a company or you're thinking about something with work and you need to restructure something in marketing or whatever it is. It's just really important that they should be able to come to you openly and say hey, I just want to run something by you, just a thought, because you're great at this. What is your opinion on this? So it's really important, especially men, that a lot of times they don't want to ask for direction and they don't want to get help here and there, but it is important that they do ask you for your opinion on things that they really want to know what your obviously answer is.

Renee Richel:

Number six is that they are there for you. Your man is there for you in the highs and lows, which is a little bit we talked about earlier. Your dreams right, with dreams there's ups, there's downs, but when things happen in life, they don't run away. When the lows happen. They are there as your rock. They are there to comfort you, to make you feel calm, to make you feel safe and secure, that everything's going to be okay, that during those highs they're there to celebrate and during their lows they're there to encourage. And so it's really, really important that you don't have somebody that's just here today, kind of gone during the moments that you're not in your best, and that they see you through all of the details of what you're experiencing in life, because nobody is perfect. So if you're in a relationship, obviously, and some of these things we're on number six right now and they're not there for you, or if you're thinking about this wow, am I even receiving this back on the other side Then really stop and think is this the right person or is it something we can have a conversation about?

Renee Richel:

Number seven how he shows up consistently and what I mean by that. There's so many times when we do these like interview, follow-up, feedback moments with our clients and matches or just people, that then we hear stories that have started to date somebody and they wonder where is it going? Is it like going any further? And what I mean by this is so important that, especially because we're talking about the guys, right, that he's there consistently, and what I mean by that is that he's not like here on a Tuesday and then he's not there next Tuesday, and it doesn't have to be on the same day, but he's not there on Thursday and he kind of just shows up maybe once or twice a week and then he's MIA the rest of the week, right?

Renee Richel:

A man that is in love with you is going to want to spend as much time as possible. They will move mountains and jump through fire and ice to be with you. So it's really important that you also have somebody, that their words and their actions and their promises really are something that's consistent, that they're reliable. There's somebody that just calms you and I keep saying that but they give you that safety to know that you, they are going to be there for you. And I would say number eight and my father always throws this in every time we're talking to people as one of our biggest prayer warriors and just support of true love is, a man should be equally chasing you back, as much as you are also chasing, and what I mean by chasing is also obviously pursuing dating with intention, and so so many times we hear people's stories of like, well, I'm the one always messaging or I'm the one always calling, and this is where, even in our company, that ever happens to one of our clients, we find that they're in that position or something may be moving a little bit slower, and I always say slow and steady, but it's not an equal give and take.

Renee Richel:

Then that's not both of you speaking each other's love languages that's important to have a conversation about or realize. It's not you, it's not me, but I need more than that. And if somebody's not willing to be able to, you know, match you in that regards of your level of communication, your availability of wanting to be together and feeling like, when you turn around to grab their hand, they're there to grab your hand, or maybe they've already grabbed your hand before that. But it's so important, so important that obviously two people are chasing each other, and, especially for my ladies, you want your man that's truly in love with you to be the one that is your rock, your knight in shining armor. So these are eight great signs that your man is truly in love with you and will stay in love with you for the rest of your life if we continuously allow them to come in and we pour and shower them with love.

Renee Richel:

So we are going to do one just like this for men to know when a woman is truly in love with them, because we do feel it's really important, especially when we have these weekly conversations, that when people are wondering why, don't know, does this person, are they in it or are they not? You know, the reality of it is is, I think, in today's dating day and age is it does get really challenging because people are dating multiple individuals, which is never the way to intentionally date with God's mind in the back of your head or in the center of your heart, to obviously date one person with intention at a time. So remember, find that man out there and that woman that wants to date only you, wants to give it their all, and look for these signs to know if they are truly the one. I hope that you have found this beneficial and helpful, and I always love it when you write in and give us topics that you want to know more about and ask questions so that we can bring these up on our podcast, and please tune in for our eight signs that women are in love with you, gentlemen, and for our women next week when we have our next podcast. I hope you have a blessed day and I can't wait to our next talk.

Renee Richel:

We spent another great talk on this episode of One True Talks by Renee Richel. I look forward to our next chat. Please write in your questions and comments so I can be sure to talk about whatever it is you want to discuss in our next upcoming episode. Love, God bless. Xoxo.