1 True Talks

8 Signs She's Truly In Love With You – A Guide for Men on Recognizing True Affection

Renee Richel

Embark on a journey with me, Renee Richel, as we unravel the mysteries of the heart and decipher the telltale signs of a woman's love. With the wisdom gathered from the front lines of matchmaking, I'll equip you with eight unmistakable indicators that signal when she's truly smitten. Picture the radiant joy that emanates from a woman in love, understand the depth of her commitment when she carves out precious time for you, and recognize the significance of being woven into the tapestry of her life.

This week's episode is a treasure trove of insights, where we examine everything from the way her happiness spills over to her friends and family, to the deliberate choices she makes in her wardrobe for you. Together, we'll dissect these nuances of affection and learn how they contribute to a flourishing relationship. For anyone searching for clues or yearning to appreciate the love they have or desire, join me on this enlightening exploration into the essence of a woman's love.

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Renee Richel:

Hi, I'm Renee Richel, the founder and president of 1 True Match. I'm here to help you find and cultivate the love of your life. For over a decade, I've dedicated my life to the importance, purpose and dynamic of human relationships. My team and I are disciplined by faith, love and integrity to help our clients find the quality relationship they've always dreamt of. Each week, I will be sharing the tools and tips I've learned that have rooted my success as a matchmaker with other leaders around the world.

Renee Richel:

Hello, loves, welcome back to part two of what we talked about last week. So if you haven't watched last week, plug in, because we talked about the eight signs a man is in love with you, and today, part two is we're going to actually speak on more to our men, I guess, to know when a woman is truly in love with you. I think these are all really great tips. That's so important to know whether it is that you're starting to date, you're in a relationship, you're really starting to prepare yourself to date when you're actually out there. But I'm going to share eight tips for you to know truly if a woman is in love with you. Let's go so eight signs a woman is in love with you. I feel like it's a pretty obvious when we were going through this and surveying it and getting a bunch of answers from not only our candidates, our clients, just in general asking people, and then all of us as matchmakers sitting around throwing out what our eight signs are that we see constantly. Number one is is that a woman is in love with you when she is happy and she just has this glow about her. She can't stop smiling and she's just happy and everything just blossoms around her. It's because that powerful effect that you have on her that even her coworkers, her friends, her family get to witness and say to you oh my gosh, she's so in love with you because they see that and who knows you better than to see your? You know, a woman shine in a way that typically you know we're always pounding payment, we're getting stuff done, but where you can really distract that woman to be able to be happy and just glow.

Renee Richel:

Number two I would say we came up with is that she spends time with you and wants to see you. Now, I mean, that seems kind of like an obvious but just like everybody's, time is very precious and valuable. A woman's schedule is insanely booked for somebody that you're probably interested in that has an active life that is also living out their purpose. That is, you're going to be drawn to the fact that she's putting any time in her calendar to spend time with you and also prioritize her schedule to see you. That is such a huge sign that she is either madly in love with you or she is falling in love with you.

Renee Richel:

Number three I would say that she includes you in her life. So you know, we all know that you should never introduce anybody new to your kids or anything like that any too soon. And I also give this advice all the time to not only our clients or matches just, but in general talking to people is, I think, the first three months of dating somebody. You should really spend that time figuring out are they going to be somebody in your life that you see moving further along to get to a point where you're madly in love with them, that you would want to share them with your friends and family. So I always tell everybody when they start dating there's like this nine month kind of hibernation phase that all couples go through. The first couple of months should be just figuring out who the two of you are to be able to grow as a couple to see. Will we make it to the third or fourth month? Do our goals align? Are we compatible, not only just for now, but also in the future, because of the conversations that we had, but then also then starting to meet your friends and, like she starts including you in her life, to invite you to a party or a gathering or something where she would show off that she's proud to have you in her life.

Renee Richel:

Number four and it's funny because we were all kind of trying to think of the order of this, but this is how the rankings came up when we were all discussing this topic and having it to present it is that number four is that she dresses up for you. This sounds like a complete, obvious right, and especially when you're going out on a first, second, third, continuous date, right, you should always be dressing up for your man. But here's what happens that we see consistently Over time as people get comfortable, or they get lazy, or they think, oh, whatever, right, like they've seen me, let's just go, it doesn't matter. And I'm not sitting here saying you can't have those just dates where it's like both just got off the couch and it's like let's just go out and have fun, right? You don't have to be all glammed up, you don't have to be, you know, all made up on every date. But even the late, the laid back kind of dates are more of the casual dates.

Renee Richel:

Women, ladies, if you're not doing this, it's so important that, just like in the beginning, you put in that effort to dress and to feel sexy and to feel classy as well, but to attract your guy. I can't tell you how many relationships that we talked to, or couples that that zest starts to fade because, ladies, we've kind of either let ourselves go or we've, you know, we're not bringing our best and we're not also dressing not only for ourselves to feel amazing and confident and sexy and beautiful and all the things God's designed us to be, but we're also not doing it for our man anymore. So it's really important that we continue and that a woman dresses up for you. So pay attention to these things. Another thing, which is number five, that she also doesn't want to change you. So remember especially I'm talking to both.

Renee Richel:

I feel like men and women, depending on who's listening to this, but it's really important that you know, just like a man sees us who we are and vice versa. We see a guy, who we are, who they are in the beginning, that we don't try to change them. We have to accept somebody for who they are. Now I know the littlest tweaks of maybe you prefer a man more in a sports coat than you do in a polo shirt, or maybe you're somebody that prefers them in a polo shirt over a sports coat. Those are little tweaks that are too easy. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about a woman is in love with you when she doesn't want to change you. So there's so many conversations we'll have with people and they'll just say, oh, I just wish they would do this a little bit more. I wish they would do that. And you know, everybody has a tendency to want somebody to be better. But if we're changing them from who their true identity is and we started shifting those things down the road, that is a recipe of disaster. So it's really important that who we present ourselves to be, that we mirror and strive to continue that entire existence of who we are, so that the relationship doesn't go up and down and the only thing that's going high and low is maybe just things in life, but you're navigating them through together because you're truly being true to who you are and you don't want to change somebody.

Renee Richel:

Number six is that she cares about your friends and family. So if you're in a relationship and they are not getting along with their family or they're not getting along with your friends especially I don't care if it's the beginning, middle end or whatever it is so important that who you're with and to be able to tell that a woman is in love with you, that she is embracing your friends, that she's texting, she's communicating, she's asking when can we get together? Let's do this with them. She wants to be a part of your world and really care for them, and truly I mean the littlest things like maybe write a note or a text, or you know on holidays or birthdays that she's asking when is when is your friend's birthday, you know? Or when is this, so that you guys can all celebrate together and really paying attention to those details, your kids lies, asking about your children and starting to really paint that picture of what your life is together and practicing that.

Renee Richel:

Number seven is that she wants to be your best friend. Now, we get this all the time from the males perspective, because men will say I don't want to get into the friend zone, right, I don't want to be in the friend zone. Well, when it comes to eight signs that women are in love with you, a woman does want a best friend and a man should want a best friend too. Now, the difference between a friend and then, obviously, someone that becomes your forever mate, that you marry and you're with for the rest of your life, is obviously there has to be that romance for sure, right, it has to be that attraction and all those other things.

Renee Richel:

But it's so important and when we say a best friend is, it's important to find somebody that you can talk to freely about anything and encourage them and express like gratitude and come up with ways like if a woman is truly in love with you, she will find any excuse to want to be with you, which is partially part of, if you think about it, that best friend feeling where you want to spend time with that individual or where you get excited about being with them when you come up with ideas. And so it's really important that you think about number seven, that is, the woman that you are that's in love with you. Does she also treat you like a best friend would. And number eight, I would say that she can be vulnerable with you because she trusts you and that she genuinely knows that you listen. And we said this also on the flip side with the guys, but it is so important.

Renee Richel:

The recipe for success forever is great communication. It's being in a safe place where you can be vulnerable with each other. And if you're in a relationship where you don't feel that you can just freely speak or be vulnerable or and I mean there's many times in relationships we kind of give the preliminary I would say, preventative medicine or just the preventative details and maybe what we're going to discuss or just share with them. You know, I've kind of got something like before you say anything, I know in our office we're doing it all day long just to be like okay, wait, let me just make sure this is the right time to share this. And it's also telling somebody in a way where it's like okay, please don't put your walls up to say no already, but you know, just hear this out where you can truly be vulnerable and genuinely listen to what somebody's saying.

Renee Richel:

So today's podcast is about eight signs a woman is in love with you. I hope the woman that you are with, or if you are the woman in love with the man that you are practicing, or and if you're the man receiving these eight signs, then you are in the right relationship and you will continue to thrive. If you remember just these eight simple signs that you continuously do throughout your relationship and there's so many more, of course, but we wanted to limit it to something that you can remember and hopefully walk away with knowing that you are thriving for this or you are feeling this, or you are in a situation where you're like I'm not getting any of this, so it's not you, it's not me, we're just not meant to be like. Hold out for the woman that is showing you these signs that she is truly in love with you, and stop chasing somebody that may not show you that she is in love with you to this level of interest and doing these things for you, because God has made somebody out there for everybody and the goal is to find somebody that your true match, that truly will be there through all the phases of life and always be growing in your relationship. I so appreciate and love it when everybody writes in, and we hope that you have found these tips beneficial and hopeful and helpful. Please share with anybody else you know, or and come back and check out our other episodes.

Renee Richel:

We did one last week, if you didn't see it, on Thursdays. We're always coming up with more podcasts and things like that on hot topics that people want to talk about when it comes to all relationship stages whether you're single, dating, engaged or married and writing your questions because we love processing and talking through in our team of things that are most important to you. We hope you have a blessed day and we can't wait for our next chat. It's been another great talk on this episode of 1 True Talks by Renee Richel. I look forward to our next chat. Please write in your questions and comments so I can be sure to talk about whatever it is you want to discuss in our next upcoming episode. Lots of love, God bless. Bye.