1 True Talks

God's Footprints in Personal Lives: Cultivating Heart Connections in Parenting Teens with Jessica Huffman

Renee Richel

Navigating the rollercoaster of teenage parenting isn't for the faint of heart, and it's a journey I'm thrilled to share with Jessica Huffman from Pneuma Life Church. Her insights into the dance of raising young adults within a community that's constantly on the move shine a light on the profound ways faith informs our approach to life's challenges. We swap tales from the parenting trenches, revealing how embracing the belief that God orchestrates our family relationships can bring peace amidst the chaos. Jessica's honesty about the highs and lows offers a raw look at the beauty and complexity of guiding teens toward adulthood.

Relationships are the web that connects us all, and this episode is a masterclass on equipping our youth with the grace to build and sustain them. I peel back the layers of my own experiences, showing how my children's triumphs in friendships and partnerships are a testament to the power of empathy, conflict resolution, and deep connections. It's about more than just good manners; it's about cultivating the heart's capacity to love and serve authentically. And as I share my spiritual voyage, I remind us all that our relationship with God is as unique as our fingerprints, influencing every facet of how we navigate life's path.

As we close this chapter, the invitation is wide open for you to join the conversation. Your thoughts and questions are the spark that ignites the topics we tackle, resonating with everyone from teenagers to empty nesters. Jessica and I stand in gratitude for your continued engagement, and with each Thursday, One True Talks promises to bring you new pearls of wisdom and heartfelt discussions. So, keep your insights coming and let's traverse this journey of faith and purpose, hand in hand. Sending you a world of love and blessings until we meet again in the next heart-to-heart on One True Talks with Renee Richel!

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Renee Richel:

Hi, I'm Renee Richel, the founder and president of 1True Match. I'm here to help you find and cultivate the love of your life. For over a decade, I've dedicated my life to the importance, purpose and dynamic of human relationships. My team and I are disciplined by faith, love and integrity to help our clients find the quality relationship they've always dreamt of. Each week, I will be sharing the tools and tips I've learned that have rooted my success as a matchmaker with other leaders around the world.

Renee Richel:

Hello, loves, welcome back for another incredible series on God's footprint in our life, and I am so excited to be sitting here with the beautiful Jessica Huffman, who has come in just a little bit over the bridge I feel like, or down from us, that she is not only a leader in her church called Pneuma Life, Church Sorry, I'm so sorry. Numa Pneuma Life Church and her and her husband are doing incredible missions just in this local area of where we live in North Florida and I wanted to bring her on to obviously share her story of things that God has been doing in not only her life but also her family's life and other people in the community, so welcome.

Jessica Huffman:

Thank you so much, Renee. It's so wonderful to be here and I'm very grateful for the opportunity. Well, thank you for joining us.

Renee Richel:

So let's dive right into it, because I want everybody to know everything about you and also just inspire others and all things that obviously you do. So let's start off with just telling me a little bit about you and all that you do.

Jessica Huffman:

Well, I know you touched base on it just a tad bit. So my husband and I, we are a part and we pastor, shepherd, lead, love, guide, whatever word you want to call a local church here in St John's County called PLC for short, sometimes that PLC can throw people for a loop, and Pneuma is the Old Testament word for Holy Spirit, and so we love our church.

Jessica Huffman:

We've been a church in the area for about seven years. We're going on seven years. We are a mobile church campus and we meet in Durbin Creek Elementary School and we are a small and mighty church, like I would say, like we are just a church of substance in the sense of the community and the love and the way our people care about each other, encourage one another, cover each other, and we're also a very big serving church. We believe that you can't just talk about your relationship with the Lord. You got to actually live it out.

Jessica Huffman:

Yeah, you have to feel it Like you have to do it, like you have to put some grit behind it, you have to have a heartbeat, yeah, and so we are very big about serving and coming together in community and serving one another. Serving on Sunday, serving in the community, all of the above. So that takes up a big portion of my week, on top of being a mom and friend and running some other things that are happening in the community as well.

Renee Richel:

And tell everybody how old your children are. We just got into probably an hour long conversation about the youth that I'm so excited about, which they're not even a youth. They're young adults.

Jessica Huffman:

Yeah, I would say they're young. I mean, I don't. It's hard to believe that I actually have young adults. Like I feel like I am still in this season where they are they need a mom and a dad, but we are learning how they need a mom and dad differently, because they are incredible. So first, okay, so let's, let's share their names so they're not this nebulous kids that we're talking about here. So Gabriel is my oldest, he's 18. And then Zoelle is 17. She's my youngest. So I have a girl and a boy and they are the absolute delight of my life, in the sense that they have truly been the biggest blessing. And, of course, I feel like kids challenge us in ways that we never imagined. So true, like kids force us to look at a mirror in ourselves and say, oh, my goodness, okay, I need to get some things in order in my life, because now I am responsible for raising, contributing, positive, amazing human beings.

Renee Richel:

You know, it's so true. And it's funny because my daughter even this morning said mommy, I'm not a baby anymore, cause I keep come on babe. Come on, honey, let's write. And she's like mommy, I'm no longer a baby, cause she's five now, right, about to go into kindergarten, Of course she is grown and so she goes you're the adult and I am the now kid. I'm like right, you're not a baby anymore. I understand that. It's just like a figure of love, right Like you're like, okay, it's so funny how she's like.

Renee Richel:

I am now no longer a toddler. I am a child, I am a kid.

Jessica Huffman:

She's telling you the acceptable language about her maturity levels I know.

Renee Richel:

So she's like I'm going to be a young adult someday. You know what I'm like. Oh my gosh, you're five, like what's happening, yeah, and.

Jessica Huffman:

I feel like that never ends where. They're always like okay, I just want you to know. Now I'm an adult and I'm like well, maybe you think you are, but I don't know. We're, we're getting there, we're getting there, but but my kids are wonderful, they're absolutely amazing, and they're both so unique in every sense of the word. Um, and I just it's like you were you're reminded, reminded that God knew that you needed to be their mom. That is the perfect thing. And so whenever I question my parenting skills right, because that comes with the territory where you're like am I even actually doing a good job here? When you question your parenting skills I feel like sometimes we're actually questioning the sovereignty of God, because God knew Right. He knew that this was the family that needed to be together, that I needed to be their mom and that God has given me everything to be the best mom possible.

Renee Richel:

Right, and God gives you lots of challenges along that path right to test yourself.

Jessica Huffman:

Yes, lots of opportunities to grow your character, and I've messed things up along the way, and I think what I've learned in all of that is that, um, how to be very good at emotional resilience is what I like to call it as in making sure that that, any time there feels like a fracture or disconnection in our relationships, that I can come back around and bring them back together again, that I play my part, what's my part in it, and I have a good friend that says what's my DNA in this? And so anytime there's those frictions or those moments that I have, I have to say, okay, how do I bring back reconciliation and what I like to call emotional intelligence and just learning how to say you know, I'm sorry. I'm not too big to say to my 17 and 18 year old I'm sorry, like I messed up.

Renee Richel:


Jessica Huffman:

Or I was too harsh or too mean or too quick, or I didn't do X, Y and Z, and I think that's really taught me such incredible skill like values that I am never too old To admit we're not perfect, To admit I've got it wrong and I but there's always enough hope to bring repair back to the relationship which I love, which earlier you were talking about too, how you said now you're in this new season.

Renee Richel:

So for all of the parents out there that have kids that are about to go into college or in college, you said now you're in this next season of like the adult right. What did you call it earlier that you said you're now trying Young adults?

Jessica Huffman:

So I actually just got off the phone with Jason on my way over here because we were just talking through some things where you know, and going back to what I said earlier, like our teenagers, our kids never stop needing parents. They just need mom and dad in a different way. Yes, and I think sometimes it's easy when we start approaching the empty nest season, whatever that looks like for some people, they're like, oh my God, we're done, bye, go out, you're off into the world and don't call me if you need anything, whatever it is. But it's almost like we're so, jason and I, what our goal right now is how can we best help transition our teenagers into young adulthood Right, which is where they want the freedom and the independence to do the things yet they're still developing Right.

Renee Richel:

And they need to have experiences. Yes, they need to try things right, like we all went through Right, and they need to have experiences. And they need to try things right, like we all went through to get there. I always say, though, equipping them with the relationship skills that none of us are taught right, which we are going to do great things that we were talking about right before we got on this for that generation, because if we don't plant the seeds in our young adults right, that are our future, yes, then relationships and love will keep getting diluted and it won't be this just godly relationship that is so powerful that lifts us up every day, every day.

Renee Richel:

And I always say the challenges we get, it's because God knows we can handle it, even though sometimes we feel we can't.

Jessica Huffman:

We can't. And what I've loved about the partnership between Jason and I is that we're both so unique but we share the can't. And what I've loved about the partnership for between Jason and I is that we're both so unique but we share the same values. I will have to say and maybe this is a braggalicious moment for my kids I love my kids, I believe in them. You know, I think as parents, we are the first ones to understand what their their faults are and their deficiencies are. But I I will say this about my children is that they are incredibly, um, good on a relational level. That's awesome. And they are good friends. They are good, um. They know how to show up well for the people in their world. They know how to dialogue and engage in actual conversations with people. They know how to say please and thank you. The board. I'm just so proud of that. I was even telling my daughter this one I'm like you are a good friend. She is an amazing friend to her friends.

Jessica Huffman:

And my husband brings this. He's got a counselor's heart. He believes that the when we serve the Lord, we've got to bring our soul with it, which means all of the messy parts of our soul. When we serve the Lord, it's with our spirit, but we have to bring our soul, which is the broken parts, the unhealed parts, the messy parts, the challenging parts, and so he is never scared to have those conversations that are centered around the deeper counseling, thought provoking.

Jessica Huffman:

Let's get beneath the layers, let's peel back the things, and I think it's very easy for believers to what I like to call spiritual bypass, where we just think one more worship song, one more prayer service, one more reading the Bible is going to actually solve the relational problems that I have Now. Jesus is the answer for everything, but he also will cause us to probe deeper and to say why are we having these challenges in our life and how can we actually get beyond them? And I am so thankful that we're imparting that into our kids like serve the Lord with all of your heart, but also be good at relationships, be good at friendships, be good at conflict management, be good at saying sorry, do the best at everything you do.

Renee Richel:

Don't do anything half.

Jessica Huffman:

Yes, and they both excel. Gabe and Zoelle excel in such beautiful ways in that and we're seeing the fruit of that. I love it.

Renee Richel:

And I'm thankful, I'm really thankful for that Well and that is kudos to two parents that got it right with the right match, I say and worked at it because marriage is not easy.

Renee Richel:

I know it's relationship it's not, and we have audience that are dating, engaged, single, married, all of it right. So it's good to hear the support and that's why we really are doing this series of all phases that we go through. Yes, so tell me a little bit about us, the history or your testimony of when you first found the Lord and how old you were.

Jessica Huffman:

You know, I feel like I'm a little bit of an anomaly when it comes to my relationship with the Lord.

Jessica Huffman:

I was, my parents were in full-time ministry, so I was kind of thrust into the church world very early on, okay, and my mom would always joke and she's like you know, you were birthed on the pew and I'm not really, but I was like, oh, gross, and she was like just kidding. But everywhere, you know, she would say, like you know, we grew up within a local church community and that brought all the wonderful things and challenging things along the way. But at an early age I was introduced to the things of God, which I'm very grateful for, and I was also very grateful for that. My parents gave us an opportunity to choose to serve the Lord for ourselves, you know, and we, um, I had to make that choice. And I remember accepting Jesus Christ, my personal Lord and savior, when I was about five or six, with my mom praying in a prayer room, and I remember that moment. And then, of course, right, you know you, you get older and you kind of like, okay, what does that actually mean? And you have some, maybe more, of those moments, and so my I would like to call my relationship with the Lord definitely an evolution. Uh, in the sense of I have always been given an environment to flourish in the things of God, but I always had to really choose the Lord for myself and make sure that the relationship I had was outside of what my mom had, was outside of what my dad had, was outside of anything my church community. I couldn't choose it because they wanted me to have it or because they felt oh, you know, you're the pastor's kid and you got to have it.

Jessica Huffman:

I had to choose the Lord for myself and I did, and then, anytime I would navigate some difficult things through seasons, um, I would always come back to I've got to choose the Lord for myself, like this is a personal relationship, this is not a corporate relationship, it is a personal relationship with the Lord, and then I celebrate it in a corporate setting, and so I've been able to do the work.

Jessica Huffman:

I haven't gotten it always right, but I've always had really wonderful people who have guided me, corrected me, held me accountable, challenged me Early on. There were some seasons where I just felt I was like dealing with like serious amounts of self-pity, like woe is me and I'm thinking, you know, and that can easily cultivate like a victim mentality, like how I shouldn't have to go through, like wait, wait, wait a minute, like who says that we cannot go through something hard, who says not even the word of God, not even God himself, has promised us that things are going to always be easy. And I think that's that beautiful um grit that my father has taught me, that backbone that I like to call it Like right, we just got to face the things. They're hard and sometimes the hardest part is just keep showing up and doing the work.

Jessica Huffman:

And that even applies to our relationship with the Lord. We could have, we could doubt if God is real. We could have challenges Like is he even hearing my prayers? Or you're going through a season and you're like is this really what it means to serve the Lord? This is terrible.

Jessica Huffman:

This is awful and I just always fall back on the don't give up and persevere and keep moving forward. And the gift that my mom has brought to my journey with the Lord is this softness and this compassion for myself, but also for other people that are along in the journey as well that it is going to get hard, it is going to get messy, and how we handle that also communicates a lot to other people.

Renee Richel:

Well, and I also think, I think a lot of times when you're in that self doubt or things are just not going the way that you want, it's almost like you, you revert.

Jessica Huffman:

Like you, you hiding your shell, whatever you want to call it.

Renee Richel:

And you have your little pity party, as you're talking about, and you completely, almost push your relationship that's the strongest one, that's going to fuel you aside. And then that's when we get impatient and that's when we try to make decisions on our own. And, you know, I feel like it's a balance that some people think, well, if I just do nothing and I just keep talking to them and nothing's happening, I'm like, but maybe it's the conversations you're having, like get real. Get real with the conversations you have with the Lord, as if you were talking to somebody that will always keep your deepest secrets, your biggest, you know, highest feelings you have in regards to who you truly are. So, 100%, I love that. So tell me something that you do on a daily basis to remind you of, obviously, your faith because we all get busy or routine, or something you do on a regular basis.

Jessica Huffman:

You know, I would say the hands down. I just love the Bible Like it is. It is everything and more if we let it be. You know, everybody wrestles with the Bible, the word of God, the book, whatever it is. We all have to have our own relationship with it. It can't just be okay.

Jessica Huffman:

I went to church on a Sunday morning and this figure standing up on stage behind a pulpit who opens his Bible is telling me what God is saying. But even more, we have to remember that that same book that we, that person is opening, is also the same book that we have. And anytime I have an opportunity to teach or preach on a Sunday morning, I always love to encourage people like listen, I'm preaching from the word of God, but I want you to know that this word of God is you can have the same revelation, experience, knowledge that I'm not somebody special up here. That's getting something miraculous. You can have that as well. And so I would say the reading of God's word and also the walking it out of God's word has just also been such a game changer for me, keeps me in check, it reminds me that I'm going to be okay. It also reminds me to keep pressing on, like I mean countless verses that you see splattered everywhere. People get tattoos and you know they put it on the walls of their houses, like all of these things, like you.

Jessica Huffman:

We can have that reminder through a daily relationship with the Lord, and the only way to know God is through God's word. Right, you know, and there's a great quote. I don't say I didn't say it, I know somebody who has said it. I don't know the person, but somebody else has said it. They say you know, if you want to hear God's word, read. I mean, if you want to hear God's voice, read God's word. Right, and if we are ever challenged with understanding who God is in our life, I just say listen, you got to go back to God's word. So for me, that's my biggest thing on a day-to-day basis is God's word.

Renee Richel:

So what in your heart, do you feel that God is leading you towards in the future, with all the knowledge he has given you?

Jessica Huffman:

Oh, my like, what a question. I feel like we need like two hours.

Renee Richel:

I know, I know.

Jessica Huffman:

So you know I am. That is a good question, okay, so in this last season my husband has been so wonderful. I love um to help people show up well in whatever space God has given them, in whatever season of life that God has given. I think we live life in seasons, just like we. The world is in seasons, everything is in seasons and I think we live our life in seasons and we all have that. You know faithful season, flourishing season, you know motherhood season, businesswoman season. I've always been drawn to um what it? When it comes to helping people really show up well in more of the practical space, the online space, the social media space. I really love social media. I know that sounds really foreign because most people have a love-hate relationship with social media. I really enjoy it. It is just to me, it's just a great way of building a community and an online sphere.

Jessica Huffman:

Well, you can connect to more people, for sure than in your own, like community right, yes, and so God has given me some opportunities to be able to actually support some small businesses in that manner and I love it, I absolutely love it. People who are wrestling with it who are just like I hate social media and I cannot do this and da, da, da, da. And I'm like listen, like let's come together, let's figure out a game plan. And you know, it's been interesting to see how my love for these things I've always loved the business world, I've always loved the leadership world, I've always loved the coaching world and it's to see how God is kind of using some of those strengths, combined with my love for God and his word and his people, and helping people, pointing people back to the Lord and ultimately finding that their, their identity is in him at the end of the day not in social media, like your identity is in the Lord and ultimately finding that their their identity is in him at the end of the day, not in social media.

Jessica Huffman:

Like your identity is in the Lord and um. And so I've been to. I've been able to explore some of those opportunities in the future and they've been absolutely beautiful. Like so it's just like I. So I've been able to manage some social media accounts for people and help people with marketing strategies and and helping some women show up well online in a space that they feel very overwhelmed or intimidated by, or they see all of these things that are happening on there. Like how can I even compete with that? And so it's, I love it.

Renee Richel:

Yeah, some of the best I always say entrepreneurial advice is to like know your competition or know what somebody's doing, but then shut it off and figure out what it is God's designed you to do.

Jessica Huffman:

so you're not in complete comparison in everything that you do right, because God wants each person to shine out with their purposes and find that so I love that, and we have to show up in a way that's not based off of oh, I got to do it better than she's doing or they're doing it.

Renee Richel:

It's not a competition.

Jessica Huffman:

It's not a competition. It is about okay, this inspires me and I know I can do and show up well in the way that God has given me.

Renee Richel:

That space Absolutely, and if you have that passion, you have that heart.

Jessica Huffman:

I say like everything is possible, Anything is possible. And who?

Renee Richel:

knows, maybe with this young adult era we're talking about now, you might be a big part of that because I mean it is definitely something I'm super passionate about. A big part of that because I mean it is definitely something.

Jessica Huffman:

I'm super passionate about. It's so wonderful, Like I just there's so many beautiful single people out there and they're not finding each other.

Renee Richel:

I know, I know. So we are definitely going to talk more about this.

Jessica Huffman:

Yes, we are girl.

Renee Richel:

I'm so glad that the Lord has brought us together through mutual friends and that we've had this time to obviously share and talk. We're going to definitely have you back on because I'm sure there'll be more questions and things that'll come from this. Maybe you'll have your kids on right. That'll be super fun to talk to that generation that all they have is online dating and it's just scary out there.

Renee Richel:

It's very scary out there. So one last question If God was sitting in front of you today, right now, what question would you ask him, and why?

Jessica Huffman:

This is a big question as well. It's a beautiful question, um, I would say. If he was sitting in front of me, I would ask him why do people not understand that they can be everything you call them to be and not walk in it? What is holding us back from that? What is ultimately the one big thing that was holding us back in that area? Like and let me rephrase it a different way, you know, when I look at people who are stuck, struggling whatever it is I struggling, whatever it is it's almost like they have not connected the fact that God is for them, not against them. That's right. God loves them. God's plan for them is so amazing. And if we could actually get a glimpse of the magnitude of what God wants to do in us and through us. Like he created the world in seven days, yet he asked a man and a woman to steward it Right, and so he has a work for us here. And I'm like why are people not stepping into this?

Renee Richel:

100% agree. It's such a great question.

Jessica Huffman:

Like what? Help me under Lord, help me understand. You know I, I, I, I'm okay with you, know I've I've come to my own conclusions on why are people not walking in healing, or why are some people healed and some people, why is suffering happening in the world? Right, I am. I've I've come to my peace on some of those things, based off of just good conversations I've had. The bigger question I have for the Lord is why are we not stepping into everything that God has for us? What is holding us back? What is the one thing that is holding us back? Like what is that one thing, lord? He'd probably be like lots of things.

Renee Richel:

The devil creeping in all of those other things. Satan right. All the temptations we have today and all of that, but that's a really good that's a really, really good point and a great question that I feel like we all like.

Jessica Huffman:

There'd be so many answers right For all of those so many, and so I'm like is that even a good question to even ask the Lord.

Renee Richel:

Because, like, there's just so many good, there's so many good questions, but I just like that is the big thing that I'm like, lord, help me understand this. And I think you know I just did like a one of our pastors did a history class, right, and there's so many things that come out just from his even just understanding of it and learning about the Bible and everything else that I had never really dived deeper into, right, and it was like there are so many life lessons I think that he wants to teach us, obviously, and so some of that comes with hardship, some of that comes with just like parenting, right, if we don't teach our kids the hard way, they become spoiled, rotten brats and they have no respect or love or care or appreciation or good friendships down the road and they wonder why.

Renee Richel:

So I also feel like maybe that's it, but I'm not here to obviously answer any of those questions or the other thing that I also tell all of our clients when we're working with them from the single side of things even our dating, engaged and married couples is that God wants us to find the perfect mosaic art that we're slowly creating, that we need all those little pieces to come together so the day that we meet him in heaven, we finally see the masterpiece of what he had planned. So I tell everybody like every day you're collecting another little piece of glass that's going to go into this beautiful mosaic art and it comes with a lot of moving parts.

Jessica Huffman:

It really does, and we have to trust the process and we have to trust the fact that there is something so much bigger than us and that is a beautiful. To me that produces two things Humility and just wonder. Yeah, like the humility in the sense that you are going to be okay and everything's really not just about you, right, you know, it keeps this out of the self-centered tunnel vision of everything. But then also, this wonder of it is a really big world. It is, and my one mistake or my one brokenness or my flaw over here is not setting into motion this terribleness out of life.

Renee Richel:

Set it into something positive for more.

Jessica Huffman:

Yes, yes, and we have to really believe that God has more for people, despite what they've gone through. I mean because his word says that yeah, and he works all things for the good of those who are called according to his purpose. That's so true.

Jessica Huffman:

And we have to believe that. We literally have to believe that. So I'm like, okay, there's something out there that's so much bigger than me. God's plan is so much bigger than me. It helps me stay humble, grind it out, but also it reminds me, wow, this is it. We serve a big God who has a big plan, who sees a big everything. I love that and I get a part in it. You get a part in it, amber gets a part in it, we all get a part in it. I love it.

Renee Richel:

I love it, well, I am so blessed and honored that the Lord has brought us together to have this very just, inspiring, heartfelt conversation about just bringing community and more people together, because I feel like the world needs more love and each person has to be fueled with more love in their heart to do greater things and turn off the toxicity that's all over us, right, that's tearing us down, and so we are so blessed that you have joined us, and we definitely have more of the Lord's work to do, I feel like together.

Renee Richel:

Yes, and if you are in the Durbin area, I say that's where their church is located.

Jessica Huffman:

Newman Life Church, yep.

Renee Richel:

So please go visit and see Jessica and her husband and you know, just even send us questions or things that you have in your heart or mind to learn more or want to be a part of what we're building. I feel like this young adult as we're talking this out.

Jessica Huffman:

I feel like there's so much more that's going to come from this. I love it.

Renee Richel:

So if you want to get, involved or learn anything more or have any questions, or even just answering questions for the teenage market, or maybe your empty nesters or whatever comes to your mind. We would love to hear from you and remember to plug in on Thursdays, when our podcasts come out on a weekly basis, and we hope you have a blessed day and we are going to love and leave you and keep you in our prayers.

Jessica Huffman:

Bye, thank you.

Renee Richel:

It's been another great talk on this episode of 1True Talks by Renee Richel. I look forward to our next chat. Please write in your questions and comments so I can be sure to talk about whatever it is you want to discuss in our next upcoming episode. Lots of love, god bless XOXO.