1 True Talks

Biblical Principles for a Godly Relationship

Renee Richel

What if your relationship could be strengthened by age-old wisdom that has withstood the test of time? Tune in as, Renee guides you through the essence of godly relationships, reflecting deeply on the teachings of the Bible. This episode is designed for everyone—whether you're single, dating, engaged, or married. We explore what the Bible says about relationships, marriage, and love. And how these principles guide modern dating. We also discuss topics like mutual submission and teamwork, rooting ourselves in faith, and understanding our purpose and love for Jesus. By focusing on verses like Ephesians 5:25 and Proverbs 31, you'll gain insights into how to nurture a fulfilling and lasting relationship that resonates with biblical principles.

Renee also shares practical tips on preparing for marriage, even while single, by engaging with marriage-oriented books. Discover how to handle stress, anxiety, and emotional challenges through the timeless wisdom of the Bible. We'll explore how to become one flesh with your partner, inspired by Matthew 19:6, and learn the importance of regular Bible consultation for relationship advice. This episode promises to be your guide to fostering a strong, faith-based relationship that can endure life's ups and downs.

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Renee Richel:

Hi, I'm Renee Richel, the founder and president of One True Match. I'm here to help you find and cultivate the love of your life. For over a decade, I've dedicated my life to the importance, purpose and dynamic of human relationships. My team and I are disciplined by faith, love and integrity to help our clients find the quality relationship they've always dreamt of. Each week, I will be sharing the tools and tips I've learned that have rooted my success as a matchmaker with other leaders around.

Renee Richel:

Hello, loves, welcome back for another talk on all things that matter in relationships. I'm really excited because this next topic is something that is great advice, of course, for all not just our singles, but are also dating, engaged and married couples to be reminded how important it is to always root yourself back in your faith when it comes to all the questions you're seeking when it comes to relationships. So today I'm going to talk about biblical practices for a godly relationship, exploring what the Bible says when it comes to marriage, relationships and love. So let's dive into it. So I say all day long so if you've not heard me say this or if it's a repeat, I am sorry, but it's always good to hear again is that if you are single and you want to forever stay single, then read single books. If you are single, or and in a dating, engagement or marriage relationship, to remember to always seek relationship-oriented books, marriage books. So you know, if you want to meet that marriage-minded individual, start practicing when you're single, reading marriage books, which I know it can be a little bit sad or challenging thinking well, I don't have this and this is difficult to read things that other people are like in. However, it is like putting on the training wheels to begin to ride and pedal that bike on your own, confidently, when you learn just the opposite sex and you learn what it's like to have conversations earlier, intelligent conversations, ways to communicate and topics to bring up in the right manner and the right time for both you and your partner.

Renee Richel:

So today I'd really like to dive into just some particular suggestions that maybe some of us either have never explored or and need to be reminded of when it comes to seeking answers, when it comes to relationship, which there's no better resource than to dive right into the Bible that we should be reading on a regular basis, right To remind ourselves of what our purpose is, what we're living for and our love for Jesus. And so today I'd like to remind us about Ephesians 5.25, where it talks about husbands love your wives like you love the church. And that also goes obviously into the Proverbs 31 that wives submit to their husbands. And of course I feel like that should go both ways. I feel like both should be submitting to each other husband and wife, working together as a team, as a union, to not only thrive in your relationship, to better understand each other, not from our own understanding, which is what a podcast we talked about, the last one was but to be curious to understand it through the eyes of your mate.

Renee Richel:

Yeah, and there are plenty of times we kind of get in our own way. We get in our own head and our own thoughts, which is important, and I always say write those thoughts down so that you can be, you know, you can articulate those feelings, thoughts and emotions that you do have, in the right manner. And this is part of submitting. Obviously, that word goes in all different manners of what that means. But also submitting your thoughts and feelings emotionally, not just physically, is part of what that verse means. So I encourage everybody and I'm just going to pull out a couple today that just come off the top of my mind, but when you're seeking answers, go into the Bible and look in the back where it says words. If you don't have one of those Bibles, find a Bible that does. Where you want to look up deeper understanding of love, marriage, relationships or whatever you're going through, whether it be stress or anxiety or whatever it is, it's amazing and such an incredible tool All the information that dates back so many, so many, so many decades ago that is still relevant today. Another one that I think is really hits home with, obviously, love, relationships and marriage is Matthews 19.6, where it says no longer are we two, but one flesh. And when we talk about whether you're single, dating, engaged or married across the board, it's the same information that it is important to learn at any phase, in any stage in any season that you're going through in life, to remember that is the goal if you truly want to be in a relationship and prioritize a relationship. And, of course, as a matchmaker, talking to hundreds of people on a very regular basis, listening to everybody's unique story of what they've gone through, the commonality is they can't find people when they come to us as a matchmaking company relationship coach to find them. True love is somebody that wants to take a relationship serious, that wants to take it to the next level, and it can't just be one person putting in all the work. It has to be two. So just from the gate, right from the beginning, starting off thinking about no longer are we two, but we are one. That's how you're able to really get into the mindset of, from the beginning, really figuring out what that looks like and putting the pieces together so that you can truly become one flesh, as obviously the Bible says, and we're designed to be a union of love together, to grow. Another one that, of course, we all know is 1 Corinthians 13, 4 through 5, which talks about you know, love is patient, and I'm going to repeat that Love is patient. So stop trying to rush through the steps that it takes to not only find the one, but to also make sure you ask the right questions but to keep the one. Patience is something that a lot of people spend time praying for, which is very difficult to pray for patience. Think about what you're praying about, so that you can actually master the gift in that time of waiting, and stop praying for patience, because it's all in God's beautiful timing of how things will unfold. And the quicker we spend, or the more invested time we spend, learning how to be patient and fueling our minds with love and other things just biblically, or things that are fueling our mind to set ourselves up to be better in a relationship, then the time will go by faster than you could ever imagine and that patience will grow so much stronger because you know you're setting yourself up for when you meet the love of your life or when your relationship takes a shift from a rocky road to smooth sailing, because you've been patient through that journey to better understand each other, for better communication skills. And then, obviously, love is always got to be kind, right? Who wants to fall in love with somebody that's rude or somebody that's disrespectful? And love should be selfless, like where you put the other person first and they in return do the same for you, finding somebody that appreciates love in the same way that you do and doesn't constantly take and take and take from you. You know, obviously love is never rude, love is never boastful, and it goes on and on and on right. We know that. We hear it at weddings. We are constantly reminded that it feels like in cards when we talk about love, but how many of us actually can recite that entire verse word by word, just like we do other verses, obviously, in the Bible that we maybe say at church or just regularly that we have memorized? It's so important to remember every single word that's in 1 Corinthians 13, 4 through 5 and remind ourselves that that's where we want true love to lie and grow from that on a regular basis, holding ourselves accountable. And then 1 Corinthians 16, 4, do everything in love right. When we're in a bad mood or we're having a tough day or we need to autocorrect or stop our path of how we're treating others, we have those moments right and we're like, why was today such a bad day right? How come God could do this to me, or why is this not working and why is this working for everybody else, and I just feel defeated. Well, here's the thing when you do everything in love without spite or without you know other intentions, then at the end of the day the day can never be bad, because as long as you've given it your all in love and cared and been kind and all the things that 1 Corinthians 13, 4 through 5 says, then there's no way you can ever have a bad day, because there's no better feeling, knowing at the end of each day that God loves us unconditionally. And when we focus on that love first and foremost, it's amazing how the things around us fall into place and they are so much more rich in so many areas of our life. Because you can never have a bad day when you have God in your camp every day, loving you and also fueling you, when you pray for these relationships, to find it, to hold on to it and to transform the relationship that you're in. I hope that these tips have been very helpful, and if you've never read a book before that has anything to do with marriage and relationships, I really strongly encourage you to either listen to some of our other podcasts, write in to us. We will give you a bunch of suggestions of just leaders in the industry that we love and admire that they have written for marriages and healthy growth in their relationships, as well as setting up. You know, our singles, that we're always about enriching them to have great communication skills, so if you have not already, you know, written in or ever emailed our company or submitted a profile or whatever it is, we want to get to know you and we want to be the company that guides you in the right direction, to set you up for the infinite of forever love in your life that God has designed you to find and have. And if you have not listened to our other podcasts before, please check out all the other topics of things we have that we have discussed in the past that could be very beneficial to you Share with other people that you have. Remember it starts with conversation. It starts with your own thoughts, reflection and time that you need to be able to master the relationship you desire and tune in. Every Thursday we are coming up with new topics of conversation, and the next one I'm really excited that we're going to talk about is overcoming dating challenges. So for all of my singles out there, this one is going to be for you. I can't wait for our next chat and I hope you have a very blessed day. It's been another great talk on this episode of one true talks by Renee Richel. I look forward to our next chat. Please write in your questions and comments so I can be sure to talk about whatever it is you want to discuss in our next upcoming episode. Lots of love, god bless. Xoxo.