1 True Talks

Heartbreak to Hope: Faithful Steps to Healing a Broken Heart

Renee Richel

Ever felt like rejection and heartbreak are insurmountable obstacles? Discover how to transform these painful experiences into stepping stones toward your true purpose with Renee Richel, founder and president of One True Match. With over a decade of matchmaking expertise, Renee dives deep into powerful biblical wisdom and practical advice designed to help you navigate these tough times with grace. You'll learn how scriptures like Psalms 34:18 and Romans 8:28 serve as anchors, reminding you of God's unwavering promise and presence, even in your darkest moments.

In this heartfelt episode, Renee shares essential strategies for facing your emotions head-on, leaning on your faith, and practicing self-care. It's not just about survival; it's about thriving and preparing yourself for the love that's truly meant for you. Whether it's journaling, seeking support from friends, or engaging in activities that nourish your soul, you'll gain actionable insights to shift your perspective. Remember, rejection isn't a reflection of your worth—it's God's protection. Embrace forgiveness, release bitterness, and set your sights on a brighter future, guided by divine purpose. Join us for an episode filled with compassion, faith, and empowering advice.

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Hi, I'm Renee Richel, the founder and president of One True Match. I'm here to help you find and cultivate the love of your life. For over a decade, I've dedicated my life to the importance, purpose and dynamic of human relationships. My team and I are disciplined by faith, love and integrity to help our clients find the quality relationship they've always dreamt of. Each week, I will be sharing the tools and tips I've learned that have rooted my success as a matchmaker with other leaders around the world. Hello, loves, welcome back. Today.


We're just going to get straight into it, because there's so much I want to cover. When it comes to handling rejection and heartbreak with grace, we are faced with this all the time in our industry of people that come to us, whether they're a match or a client that have been through, I feel, like the dance or the race to find true love. So this is a really important topic that we're going to talk about. So I'm going to provide biblical wisdom and practical advice on dealing with rejection and heartbreak in a healthy manner, faith-based, obviously, and so much more. So let's begin, and I'm going to dive in with some scripture to begin. So the first thing that kind of comes to mind when we talk about how to deal with rejection and heartbreak, that I think are really powerful scriptures is Psalms 34, 18. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit Romans 8, 28. And we know that in all things God works for the good for those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose Philippians 4, 6 through 7. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of the Lord, with all understanding, will guide your heart to your mind in Christ Jesus. Understanding will guide your heart to your mind in Christ Jesus. These values remind us of God's promise and his presence in all things that we do, in all situations. Trust in God's plan and the purpose that he has for you. And I think another thing obviously to remember is during this time we often lean away from the Lord. So I'm going to give a few more tips that I think are really also helpful to you know, use outside, in addition to, obviously, the scriptures.


So now let's talk about some practical ways to deal with rejection and heartbreak in relationships. It's so important to remember to acknowledge your feelings. It's okay to be sad and cry. Give yourself time to feel and heal. I love that Feel and heal, remember that Journal about it. And or chat with a dear friend or somebody in maybe your church environment, a group. That is a person that can be unjudgmental and not biased, because it's just paramount for your feelings and just your future growth when it comes to relationships that you can let it out, just your future growth when it comes to relationships that you can let it out. But somebody is also encouraging you to move forward into the right next path.


Lean on your faith, not your own understanding, as it says in scripture. Spend time in prayer. Seek the Lord's peace, comfort and guidance. Faith can be a powerful anchor during turbulent times. Make sure you remember to self-care. Make sure to get out of your bed, your home, your room and go for a walk. Get some exercise, get some fresh air. Take time to reflect and nurture your body, mind and spirit. Remember to change your perspective.


So many things that are thrown at us, especially when we're going through heartbreak and obviously just rejection is to remember, to understand that rejection is not a reflection of your worth. Rejection is God's protection from something that is not meant for us and the number one detail that everybody also forgets going through this process of feeling completely heartbroken is forgiveness and moving forward. It's only setting yourself up for the future, for whoever God does have planned for you. Remember, every step of what you go through in a relationship is what's guiding you on the journey to where you're meant to be with the person that's also preparing themselves for you. So you need to be in the best mindset. So don't hold on to the bitterness, let it go. Focus on the future. Don't continue to look in the rearview mirror. I always give the example of like a 747 plane it has no rearview mirror. Just go forward.


Remain open to new opportunities that align with God in the plan he has for you, which sometimes they don't make sense when it comes to dating who he puts in front of you. Or sometimes it doesn't make sense to turn a corner and go in a different way because you're not in the best of mood or spirit. But remember, when God gives you an opportunity that seems so out of the norm or something you wouldn't normally lean into, take that opportunity, take that chance. See what he has planned for you. As we tell all of our matches and all of our clients, our job is to bring you an opportunity that the Lord has presented us in a way, with all of our searching, all of our effort of interviewing individuals from the heart out, who somebody could be that you're completely missing because you weren't open-minded or healed from a past relationship.


And I would say the last tip that is definitely important important when it comes to going through this entire journey that takes time is to remember to be prayerful, remember to pray over your broken heart, to remember to take whatever that bitterness is from your heart so that you're free to be able to love again. It's that famous saying better of love than never loved at all. And the reason we say that is so that you can learn from each experience that you go through when it comes to love and relationships, so that you're growing forever. I can't tell you how many relationships the Lord had me go through personally before finding true love, and that was truly setting me up or teeing me up so that I can receive a whole different way of thinking plus a different kind of love than I've ever received before. And that was because of each relationship that was teaching me the things that were teaching me the details that mattered most, more than just the physicality or just the things that I thought were on my bucket list of things that I needed in a partner, things that I thought were on my bucket list of things that I needed in a partner, but it was the whole rounded details that the Lord was also putting in my heart through each relationship to be able to truly write down my needs and wants in a relationship going forward.


So use this time to also think about what have I learned from past relationships? What is it that I absolutely need, which are your non-negotiables, and what is it that I would like to have as your wants, and what are those things that also I'm drawn to on a detractive side that's going to give me that chemistry I also desire, so that you stay in that honeymoon phase that we work on with our clients all the time for a progression of a marriage and a lifelong togetherness that God has brought as a union, as a couple. So I hope that, as you're going through this phase of a broken heart or maybe feeling rejected, is that you don't take it personal and I know it's so hard not to, because as you're going through this grieving process, it's the loss of something that was so high, that was so amazing, and it feels like it's ripped away from you. But there's always like life, there's ups and downs, right. And so, just like you're in the valley right now, you will overcome it and be in the higher mountain, and the goal is to stay on the incline constantly, instead of being on this up and down roller coaster that you may have been feeling throughout this relationship.


That literally led to this heartbreak. So remember the moments where maybe you were confused or maybe you weren't sure that then led to this moment of you know, obviously closure is to use that as a stepping stone in the right direction. That only guides you into the right person. Because of that, and remember, the Lord has the best plans for you in all things. So seek him first and foremost in your community of support around you. That will always empower you and lift you up and remind you how incredible you are and that that person's loss not yours, and whoever your future mate is is going to be so grateful that you were able to get over that relationship it didn't work out so that you are free for them. I hope you have found this helpful and beneficial.


Next week we are going to talk about the five date night ideas. So please tune in and we will share some really fun tips and suggestions on what to do when you move forward from this heartbreak to move on towards the relationship and the love of your life, to have fun date nights ahead to come. We're going to love and leave you and hope you have a blessed and wonderful day. It's been another great talk on this episode of one true talks by Renee Richel. I look forward to our next chat. Please write in your questions and comments so I can be sure to talk about whatever it is you want to discuss in our next upcoming episode. Lots of love, god bless. Xoxo.